PUP players now considered IR on MFL

Unsure how a rule works or just need some clarification??
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PUP players now considered IR on MFL

Post by bonscott » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:35 am

Heads up not only for this league but since most of us commish our own leagues, heads up in general.

MFL has grouped PUP players into IR this year (starting yesterday I think) with the designation IR-PUP and IR return players are labeled as IR-R if you look at the NFL injury report. It's caused a bit of an uproar on the forums as some leagues have had rules not allowing PUP players to be placed on IR and currently there is no way to separate them out from "real" IR like suspended players. All three show up on various roster reports with the (I) label.

So given this unless we plan to manually police it PUP players can go on IR now. In my own personal local league it's not a big deal since we allowed OUT players to be on IR anyway and that's what PUP players have been listed as in the past.

I put in a support ticket looking for clarification and according to Mike they are lumping them together since functionally PUP and IR return act as the same thing in the NFL, both aren't counted toward the 53 man roster, both can't return for 6-8 weeks and if they don't they get moved to IR. Makes sense when you think about it.

So bottom line, I don't see an issue unless someone wants to manually track who is on PUP and let the commish know and then he'll have to manually move the player off IR. Frankly, just easier to adjust our rules slightly to make a note of the new IR designation.


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Re: PUP players now considered IR on MFL

Post by Wascawy Wabbits » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:57 am

I thought it was strange when I looked at my roster and saw Kevin White with an (I) designation yesterday

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Re: PUP players now considered IR on MFL

Post by bonscott » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:06 am

So far all my leagues are going the simple route...if the player has the (I) designation they can be IR'd. Crazy to try to manually police it. :sweet:


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