Yes Vote:
No Vote:Franchise Tag Compensation: Current seasons 1st and 2nd round pick.
The picks are the highest 1st and 2nd round pick available in the bidders inventory at the start of the tagging period (Feb 1st). When placing the bid, the bidder must also state the draft picks given up and, at that time, those picks become protected and non-tradeable until after the tag matching deadline has passed.
If the bidder does not have a 2nd round pick, then the next highest pick in their inventory above the 2nd round (i.e, a 1st round pick) For example if a bidder has 1.05 and 1.12 and no 2nd round round pick, they could still bid on a franchise player by stipulating they will give up the two 1st round picks as compensation. If they had 3 first round picks, for example 1.05, 1.12, and 1.15 and no 2nd round pick then they would have to give up 1.05 (highest first round pick) and 1.15 (next highest pick above the 2nd round). And so on ...
Compensatory draft picks (1.17, 2.17,2.18) can be used as compensation.
The compensatory draft picks must be the original draft picks (or the next closest, draft pick that is higher that the original, if no longer owned) of the team that signed the tagged player.