Offseason news and notes...

I'll post any league wide announcements here...
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Offseason news and notes...

Post by braven112 » Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:35 pm

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up with what we have going on in the next month and a half and also clarify the payouts and payments for next season. Here are the important dates from the constition...

Important Dates
•February 1st is the deadline to purchase your team for the following season.
•February 14th 11:59pm PT is the last day to release players in the current season.
•February 15th start of the new season.
•February 1st -15nd Tagging Period
•February 16th-28th(29th) teams may make offers to tagged players.

I'll send out cash to everyone that is owed money above the $50 entry fee by Wednesday. For those looking to pay for the 2009 season, if you are within a couple bucks of $50 plus or minus then don't bother sending a couple dollars we'll just square up next season, no point in wasting paypal fees for a couple dollars.

For anyone else, payment is due February 1st and you can find out what you owe by looking at the accounting report, please remember to send over an extra $1 for every $25 that you send to cover paypal fees. If you notice any errors or have any questions just let me know!

by griblets » Thu May 17, 2012 5:47 pm

Usually, when the commissioner has a good team, these are the kind of polls you see...

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