Waiver Ideas

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Waiver Ideas

Post by braven112 » Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:26 pm

Just a spin off of the Waiver discussion, a couple ideas to bounce off everyone...

First I think we should lock dropped players until kickoff of the following week, I think we almost have to. The other thing I'd kind of like to see is the ability to pick up players from the end of the waiver period until kickoff, a lot of league do a FCFS period, we would have to come up with a set salary during that time, but it would be really nice to have that option.

Then also during the weeks with Thursday games I think it would be nice to have another blind bid window once the Thursday game is over, no?

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:27 am

braven112 wrote: First I think we should lock dropped players until kickoff of the following week, I think we almost have to.
Agreed. I'd have to say this one doesn't even need any kind of vote since it's just a technical setting closing a loophole that most people probably didn't even realize they could do anyway (i.e. I'd gather most thought players were locked as is, I did).
The other thing I'd kind of like to see is the ability to pick up players from the end of the waiver period until kickoff, a lot of league do a FCFS period, we would have to come up with a set salary during that time, but it would be really nice to have that option.

Then also during the weeks with Thursday games I think it would be nice to have another blind bid window once the Thursday game is over, no?
Both local leagues I'm in do a waivers on Thursday (Wednesday during weeks with Thursday games) and then FCFS until Sunday kickoff. So in general I like the idea as it allows teams to fill a hole they missed out on during waivers. Having said that, I'm not sure I'd be all that keen on the idea in this league for a couple reasons. 1) Would you set the salary to mimimum? I like the idea much better to bid on all players at all times. 2) How many holes are you really going to fill with 16 teams with 22-25 players each on them? :beer:

Personally I think a much better method would be to have 2 blind bid waivers per week. Have one that runs Wednesday late. Then another that runs Saturday at noon. Then you'd cover both needs. You'd have a second waiver later in the week if you missed out on someone in the first and it avoids issues of FCFS. And you'd get a waiver in before Thursday games and have another after**. No matter what all dropped players locked until Sunday kickoff.

** The problem right now with having waivers after Thursday games is that a team could drop a player that already played and pick up someone that hasn't yet. There have been many posts on the MFL forums this year with problems like that. Of course the commish could police it but that would be a pain. So unless MFL closes up this loophole then this could be a problem. However with FCFS there is a setting to prevent this so FCFS would be a good thing in this case.


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by Achon44 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:37 am

I would be in favor of running multiple blind bid waivers per week, but not a set price FCFS waiver process. IMO FCFS totally underminds the structure of our waiver process. :2cents:

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:24 am

Achon44 wrote:I would be in favor of running multiple blind bid waivers per week, but not a set price FCFS waiver process. IMO FCFS totally underminds the structure of our waiver process. :2cents:
Agreed. :sweet:

FYI I put in a feature request to lock players whose games have started from *all* transactions including waivers and blind bid since it's a great need anyway. I have a feeling MFL may revamp the whole waivers process in the off season. At least I hope they do.


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by braven112 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:27 pm

If we go with 2 Blind Bid windows when should each window run from?
by griblets » Thu May 17, 2012 5:47 pm

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:19 am

braven112 wrote:If we go with 2 Blind Bid windows when should each window run from?
I would suggest this, for simplicity with Thursday games so you don't have to change things.

1) First window from Kickoff until Wednesday 4pm (which is what I think was done with weeks of Thursday games already).
2) Second window from Thursday 9pm until Saturday noon. Why Thursday 9pm? Gives a chance for the Thursday game to start so that people aren't trying to bid on players that play Thursday night.

And a big lobby needs to be created to MFL to get it so that players can be locked from bidding/waivers if their game has started so that the commish doesn't have to police it. Right now this is only supported for FCFS. If MFL can't add this option I might suggest we just keep things the same with one blind bid period and lock all dropped players until Sunday.


As for dropped players I might suggest a simpler method of just locking all dropped players until Sunday 1pm. That way all dropped players, no matter when they were dropped during the week will be availalbe for the 1st bid period each week. I think there are too many loopholes trying to do it otherwise.


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by joe.commish » Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:21 pm

I don't have a lot to add in terms of new waiver ideas, I'd be fine with just about any presented. I just know that I would like to have the ability to get a guy after the initial blind bidding period ends. If that means, a 2nd blind bidding period that is cool with me. I do see the problems with the Thursday games though.

I'd be more than happy to add on to any feature request campaign. Scott, do you have the text of the request you sent in? I'm lazy and would like to just copy and paste it. :D

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:10 am

joe.commish wrote:I don't have a lot to add in terms of new waiver ideas, I'd be fine with just about any presented. I just know that I would like to have the ability to get a guy after the initial blind bidding period ends. If that means, a 2nd blind bidding period that is cool with me. I do see the problems with the Thursday games though.
Personally I'd like anyone dropped in the first bidding period to be available in the 2nd one, but technically it's a nightmare to setup on the backend and would lead to a lot of loopholes. I can explain further in detail if you want but trust me, there is no easy way to do it.
I'd be more than happy to add on to any feature request campaign. Scott, do you have the text of the request you sent in? I'm lazy and would like to just copy and paste it. :D
Here is what I wrote in:

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Hey guys,

Right now there is a setting for FCFS to lock players after their game has started. This allows you to run FCFS say thru Sunday and keep Thur/Sat players from being dropped or picked up.

There really needs to be a similar setting for waiver and blind bids. Any player whose game has started is locked from being picked up in waiver or in blind bidding. I think on the backend it can just check the start time of the game and it could be another reason why a waiver/bid is rejected. There have been several threads on the forum this year about this loophole causing problems and it would be great to have an option to prevent it. I'm in a league that does blind bidding and we're thinking of adding another bid window after Thursday games but this loophole is a problem and now it's my problem, thus the request. :)



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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by joe.commish » Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:47 pm

Thanks! I sent one in also supporting your request.

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:50 pm

Have we made any decision on this? Are we thinking of only doing a 2nd blind bidding period if MFL will support locking of players from bidding once their game starts?

So my proposal would be this:

1) Assuming we keep one bid period, any player dropped is locked until the following week. This way we prevent the possible dropping of a player only to be brought up right away right at the deadline. This will also make sure all teams have a shot at any dropped player.

2) If MFL can support locking of players that have started games from being bid on then we can have 2 weekly waiver periods. Sunday 1pm thru Wednesday 4pm and Thrusday 9pm thru Saturday noon (times EST).
Players dropped would be locked until the following week as in #1 *unless* either the commish wants to manually monitor players or MFL can support a setting that will keep players locked until the next bid period starts (not supported now that I know of).


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by yugimoto » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:51 pm

Hey guys - I would like to re-open this dialogue and see if anyone is interested in the proposal made earlier in this message board item to have:
1. Blind Bid waivers execute on Thursdays (this would have to be modified when the Thursday games start)
2. FCFS waivers avaialble starting Friday morning unti kick off of first game on Sunday
3. Players dropped during the blind bid waiver would not be available for pickup until the following week's blind bid waiver process.



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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Fri Sep 18, 2009 5:56 am

Personally I think FCFS is off the table since we are a salary league. I don't agree with any player picked up in FCFS to be just the minimum salary. However I could live with it if the majority would like it.

I think maybe 2 waiver periods per week would be good.

Until Thursday games:
Waiver Period 1 - Saturday noon thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Saturday noon

Once Thursday games start:
Waiver Period 1 - Thursday 6pm thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Thursday 6pm

Players locked until the next waivers are run. This means any player dropped during Period 1 will be available for bid in Period 2. Any player dropped in Period 2 will be available for bid in Period 1 the following week.

This would then allow a second waiver bid period to reload in case you didn't get someone. Although we do need to keep in mind that in a league with 16 teams and 22-25 players per team that we aren't really bidding on startable players here for the most part. :blunt:

It does mean league members need to pay attention earlier in the week though to get in on the first bidding period. :beer:


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by Achon44 » Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:50 am

bonscott wrote:
Until Thursday games:
Waiver Period 1 - Saturday noon thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Saturday noon
I love this idea and personally I don't see why we couldn't roll with this idea all year. IMO it really wouldn't matter if you picked somebody up during Period 2 that played in the Thursday game, because I'd have to believe those players would be locked out of your starting lineup for that week just like any players you already had on your roster who were not in your starting lineup prior to the start of Thursday's game(s).

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:15 am

Achon44 wrote:
bonscott wrote:
Until Thursday games:
Waiver Period 1 - Saturday noon thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Saturday noon
I love this idea and personally I don't see why we couldn't roll with this idea all year. IMO it really wouldn't matter if you picked somebody up during Period 2 that played in the Thursday game, because I'd have to believe those players would be locked out of your starting lineup for that week just like any players you already had on your roster who were not in your starting lineup prior to the start of Thursday's game(s).
Unfortunately the setting to lock players at the start of their game only effects FCFS. It doesn't stop pickups of players for waivers.


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by LV Elite » Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:26 am

Achon44 wrote:
bonscott wrote:
Until Thursday games:
Waiver Period 1 - Saturday noon thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Saturday noon
I love this idea and personally I don't see why we couldn't roll with this idea all year. IMO it really wouldn't matter if you picked somebody up during Period 2 that played in the Thursday game, because I'd have to believe those players would be locked out of your starting lineup for that week just like any players you already had on your roster who were not in your starting lineup prior to the start of Thursday's game(s).

I agree.... I am also not a fan of first come first pick up in a salary league! I like this format outlined above.

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by Achon44 » Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:19 pm

bonscott wrote:
Achon44 wrote:
bonscott wrote:
Until Thursday games:
Waiver Period 1 - Saturday noon thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Saturday noon
I love this idea and personally I don't see why we couldn't roll with this idea all year. IMO it really wouldn't matter if you picked somebody up during Period 2 that played in the Thursday game, because I'd have to believe those players would be locked out of your starting lineup for that week just like any players you already had on your roster who were not in your starting lineup prior to the start of Thursday's game(s).
Unfortunately the setting to lock players at the start of their game only effects FCFS. It doesn't stop pickups of players for waivers.
I was saying I don't have a problem if a team picked up a player on Saturday that played on Thursday. We would all have equal opportunity to do so. Once that player is added to your roster I'd have to believe the system would not allow you to add them to your starting lineup seeing they have already played their game for that week.

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by braven112 » Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:25 pm

bonscott wrote:
Until Thursday games:
Waiver Period 1 - Saturday noon thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Saturday noon
Sounds good to me as soon as it sound like we have a common proposal that takes into account any potential loopholes or concerns, we can put it up for vote.
by griblets » Thu May 17, 2012 5:47 pm

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:44 am

Achon44 wrote: I was saying I don't have a problem if a team picked up a player on Saturday that played on Thursday. We would all have equal opportunity to do so. Once that player is added to your roster I'd have to believe the system would not allow you to add them to your starting lineup seeing they have already played their game for that week.
I submitted a ticket to MFL and asked this question. While normally I feel that once a players game has started then they are done for the week in terms of transactions, so long as we can assure they are locked as benched even if picked up then I have no problem with it to be able to get in another waivers for the week.


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:44 pm

According to Kevin at MFL a player acquired after their game has started should not be startable.

Given that I would propose this for the entire season:

Waiver Period 1 - Saturday noon thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Saturday noon

Set the player lock to lock until the next waivers run which *should* (if I understand it correctly) allow any dropped players in Waiver Period 1 to be able to be bid on during Waiver Period 2.


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by Achon44 » Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:43 pm

bonscott wrote:According to Kevin at MFL a player acquired after their game has started should not be startable.

Given that I would propose this for the entire season:

Waiver Period 1 - Saturday noon thru Wednesday 9pm
Waiver Period 2 - Wednesday 9pm thru Saturday noon

Set the player lock to lock until the next waivers run which *should* (if I understand it correctly) allow any dropped players in Waiver Period 1 to be able to be bid on during Waiver Period 2.

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:46 am

Did we ever decide on what to do with this? I don't think we ever voted on it.

MFL still doesn't support locking players whose games have started from waivers/blind bids, just FCFS.

I was originally opposed to doing a FCFS period after blind bid but the more I think about it the more I don't have a problem with it. Anyone picked up in FCFS would just have the league minimum salary. Reason I don't have a problem with this is that the more I thought about it, if the player was actually worth more then min salary he would have been bid on during blind bidding that week. Since he wasn't that means nobody thinks the guy is worth more then min salary.

So we could do:
Blind Bidding Sunday 1:15 pm thru Wednesday 9pm
FCFS from Wednesday 9:15 thru Sunday 1pm (lock players from FCFS once their game has started)

All dropped players during the week from either period are locked until Sunday 1:15 and thus have to go thru a bidding period.


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by braven112 » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:49 pm

I like that idea better for the exact reasons you mentioned, the only thing I might add, would be that you have to declare the contract years before the player starts his game, so guys that pick up a free agents on Sunday don't have a free look before deciding how many years to sign them for.
by griblets » Thu May 17, 2012 5:47 pm

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by bonscott » Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:04 pm

braven112 wrote:I like that idea better for the exact reasons you mentioned, the only thing I might add, would be that you have to declare the contract years before the player starts his game, so guys that pick up a free agents on Sunday don't have a free look before deciding how many years to sign them for.
Good point. Could just end FCFS at noon on Saturday like we do now for waivers. That way contract is just 1 if no post on message board by Sunday noon.

I'd really hope nobody would vote no on this so it could go into effect this year.

So it would be:

* Blind Bidding Sunday 1:00 pm thru Wednesday 9pm
* FCFS from Wednesday 9:15 thru Saturday 12 noon

Misc settings:
* Salary for FCFS is league minimum, 24 hours to declare contract beyond 1 yr as normal
* Lock players from FCFS once their game has started
* All dropped players during the week from either period are locked until Sunday 1:15 and thus have to go thru a bidding period first.


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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by yugimoto » Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:37 am

Well since I was the one that "re-opened" the discussion asking for a FCFS window, I am of course in favor of this :sweet:

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Re: Waiver Ideas

Post by Georgia Punishers » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:06 am

I'm for the change....

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